MC Mentoring Network

Being a college student is a great responsibility and can sometimes be overwhelming. Having a mentor, whether it’s a peer, faculty, or staff member, can provide support and direction to help you succeed at Montgomery College and beyond. The MC Mentoring Network offers a comprehensive list of mentoring support groups and opportunities at the College. We encourage you to engage in mentoring as a means to connect with the Raptor community and promote student success.
Browse our mentoring programs below. You may contact any of the mentoring programs directly, or you may fill out our Mentor Request form for help connecting with a mentor.
Mentoring Groups
Advancing Child Care Teachers Towards Completion (ACCTTC) Mentoring Initiative
ACCTTC supports students in the field of early childhood education with a clear pathway from noncredit to credit hours at Montgomery College. Through this mentoring initiative, students receive academic support through tutoring, tracking of their progress each semester, and advising every month during the academic year. In partnership with WD&CD Early Childhood, specific trainings are developed to support the students with the Maryland State Department of Education requirement for credentialing.
Early Childhood Education Club: Advance Child Care Teachers Towards Completion (ACCTTC)
Program Target Population: Students pursuing Early Childhood degree & credentials
but all are welcome.
Contact Information
Sonia Pruneda-Hernandez
Early Childhood Program Coordinator
Estelle Flank
Adjunct Faculty, School of Education
Nelida Andres
Interim Director, WDCE
The word “alma” means soul in Spanish and our program seeks to nurture the student’s whole being. Our mentoring program focuses on holistic academic and personal guidance, support and leadership development designed specifically for the lowest graduating population in Higher Education - Hispanic/Latino/Native American males. We meet monthly, both in person and virtually, to provide access to training, information and to help males build an understanding of their roles in Higher education and our community.
Outreach program demographic – Middle and High School aged Hispanic/Latino/Native American males
Contact Information
Ramon De La Cruz
Lead Coordinator/Communication, Business, Audio/Video and Performance
Department: AFS-Facilities
Henry Caballero
Academic/Faculty Coordinator
Department: AELP, Linguistics & Speech Communication
Val Melgosa
Social/Student Life Specialist
Department: Office of Student Life
Rene Argueta
Financial Aid Outreach Coordinator
Department: Financial Aid
For seven years, the Montgomery College Alumni Association has offered a mentoring program, designed to link current MC students to area professionals who can offer insights and guidance in their course of study. Students who believe it will enhance their educational experience and their academic success at Montgomery College are welcome to apply. Alumni mentors are selected and matched with mentees based on the criteria assessed in their interest form. Both student and alumni participants are able to learn from the experience and grow as professionals.
Program Demographic: Students committed to a year- long relationship with an alumni
mentor. Mentors can be both alumni and friends of the College and are committed to
supporting students in their educational and career endeavors.
Contact Information
John Libby
Alumni Services Manager
Department: Development and Alumni Relations
Alumni Aide
Department: Alumni Relations
This mentoring program is specifically aimed at the retention of African American/Black Male students at Montgomery College. It seeks to foster a greater degree of academic success, student activism and personal responsibility. M.E.N will provide academic and personal mentoring for the above targeted student population. Participating students will also benefit from having their academic progress monitored each semester. Periodically, the program will offer off-campus gatherings, book reviews and workshops.
Men Empowering Network (M.E.N)
Program Target Population: African American/Black male students
Contact Information
Germantown Campus
Coordinator: Maurice Ayers
Rockville Campus
Coordinator: Fabian Drain
Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
Coordinator: Gus Griffin
Combat to College provides academic and social opportunities, resources, and services for veterans and active and reserve service members.
- Gathering spaces on each campus for veterans and service members
- Identified counselors for academic advising
- Benefits information and assistance
- Referral/coordination with external agencies and resources
- Dedicated open gym hours, yoga classes, and guided meditation sessions
- Opportunities for financial assistance
- Activities, outings, and special events
To get involved, visit the Combat 2 College page or contact a program manager:
Joanna Starling, ACSM EP-C
Veterans Program Manager
Jason Franklin, ACSM EP-C
Veterans Program Manager
The Club promotes interests among students in economic issues. It also promotes student interests to pursue Economics for the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. For this purpose, the Club invites speakers who hold a degree in economics and hold professional positions as Economists. The Club also directs special emphasis towards transferring. As such, the Club holds information sessions on how transfer to various universities in MD.
Program Outcomes
Engagement: Repeated participation in events
Inspiration: Students have come back to say that attending Economics Club inspired them to complete college at MC and transfer.
Peer Bonding and Influence: Students attending the Club get to bond with like- minded peers that enable them to stay focused in college and transfer.
Contact Information
Coordinator: Satarupa Das
Department: Economics - BEACAPS
Future Builders is a program in which students get hands-on, practical experience in the design, construction and security fields. In the program, students will shadow mentors from the Office of Facilities & Public Safety to learn how projects are created and managed. Students will attend design meetings and visit construction sites to observe in real life what they learn in the classroom and to network with architects, engineers, consultants and contractors. Upon graduation, students will receive a letter of recommendation summarizing their activities in the program.
- Architectural Technology
- Engineering Science
- Construction Management
- Interior Design
- Graphic Design
- Criminal Justice
Coordinator: Ali Fadl
Department: Office of Facilities & Public Safety
The International Buddy Program is a resource that offers support for MC students who are classified as immigrants, non-immigrants, or F-1 /international Visa holders. The program also serves multicultural students (US citizen or non-citizen). The process of adjustment to a new community may be difficult, especially when there are differences in the education system, language, and culture. Therefore, the goal of the International Buddy Program is to help new students succeed in ESL/ELAP classes, adjust to the academic, social and cultural differences at the College and beyond.
Resources and Support for International Students
Program Target Population: International students but all students are welcome.
Contact Information
Coordinator: Eniola Olowofoyeku
Department: Counseling & Advising
Montgomery College Learn, Empower, Act, Discover and Serve (MC LEADS )is a leadership development program designed especially for MC students on the Germantown, Rockville, and Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campuses. This 10 week leadership program utilizes the Social Change Model of Leadership Development, which was created specifically for college students who seek to lead in a more socially responsible way and who want to learn to work effectively with others to create social change over their lifetime (Higher Education Research Institute [HERI], 1996).
Montgomery College Learn, Empower, Act, Discover and Serve (MC LEADS)
Contact Information
- Germantown – Shawn Sanders,
- Rockville- Lisa Hackley,
- Takoma Park/Silver Spring – Kimberly Jones,
As an initiative within the Achieving the Promise – Peer2Peer Program, the Peer Mentoring Program links student leaders with their peers to promote student success through engagement. The goal is to support students to help them reach their full potential in their collegiate experience. Students will receive reliable, one-on-one support and direction for college life inside and outside of the classroom from a peer mentor in their second year or beyond at MC.
- Foster a sense of belonging to the MC community
- Help build strong relationships at the College to include peers, faculty, and staff
- Participate in campus events, student clubs, and service learning (volunteer) activities
- Connect with academic and nonacademic resources and support
Additional benefits:
- Set goals for academic success
- Develop skills such as time-management, organization, problem solving, communication, interpersonal and self-advocacy
- Identify and utilize appropriate strategies for studying, taking tests, and note-taking
Target Population: Any student at MC
Contact Information:
Coordinator: Tahrea Flemming Mensah
For addition information, visit the Peer2Peer Program website.
Sister 2 Sister (S2S) is a mentoring program designed to support and promote academic success and personal enrichment to African-American and Black female students at Montgomery College. The Sister 2 Sister program is promoting deeper bonding through the shared experiences of women. By participating in this program, students gain valuable insight into academic success, networking, College resources and a richer understanding of self. Students will benefit from programs, activities and interactions designed to enhance study skills, social support, and professional development, while creating a lasting bond strengthened by shared experiences and personal empowerment.
Program Target Population: African-American and Black female students
Contact Information
Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
Jeri Gresham
Counselor/Associate Professor
The mission of this program is to guide, support and empower first year and continuing women students as they transition to college and pursue their academic, career and personal goals.
Program Outcomes:
- To acquire a C average or higher.
- To increase retention among participating students in comparison to like students in larger population.
- To use campus and community resources, as needed.
Contact Information
Professor Margo Barnett
Department: WDCE Bridge Program