Math, Accounting, Physics, and Engineering Learning Center (MAPEL)

Accudemianew window is the scheduling system for MC learning centers where you can make tutoring appointments, meet with a tutor in-person or online, or receive written feedback.
- Monday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
- Tuesday through Thursday: 9 a.m.–7 p.m.
- Friday: 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
- Saturday: 10 a.m.–3 p.m.
- Sunday: Closed
Online Tutoring is available at Accudemianew window.
The Math, Accounting, Physics, and Engineering Learning Center (MAPEL) at the Germantown Campus is a friendly learning environment. We provide services including tutoring, calculator rentals, a computer lab, text books/solution manuals, and other study materials. Computers are available in the MAPEL Center. Sign onto the computers using your MyMC username and password.
We offer a supportive environment outside the classroom where you can work together with your classmates on your homework, get help from the faculty or student tutors, study for an upcoming exam, or take advantage of our other resources.
You must have an MC ID to use the MAPEL Center.
Location: Student Affairs (SA) Building, Room 202 (campus map and directions)
Phone: 240-567-1947
Student Resources
Free tutoring is available on a walk-in basis during opening hours for current enrolled students taking Math, Accounting, Physics and Engineering courses at Montgomery College. Tutors in the MAPEL Center are members of the faculty, MAPEL Center staff or outstanding student tutors. Please bring your MC ID to sign in at our front desk and sit anywhere at our many tables. When you have questions, just get our attention and we will come and help you.
Tutoring service covers Math, Accounting, Physics and Engineering courses in Montgomery College. In the fall/spring, tutoring is available 9am - 9pm on Monday to Thursday and 9am - 5pm on Friday and Saturday. In the summer, tutoring is available from 9:30am – 7pm on Monday to Thursday and 10am - 4pm on Friday. Check the below schedules for tutoring availability.
- Math, Physics, Engineering Schedule (PDF,
) (Last updated 2/3/2020)
- Accounting Schedule (PDF,
) (Last updated 2/3/2020)
TI-83 and TI-84 scientific calculators are available to rent at no cost.
- Short-term calculators must be returned the same day they are checked out. You need to provide an MC ID and a phone number.
- Long-term calculators are available for the entire semester and must be returned by
Friday of finals week. To rent, bring a completed Long-term Calculator Loan form (available
in the Center or for download here (PDF,
) ) including the instructor’s signature, and 4 unopened AAA batteries to the Center.
Textbooks and solution manuals are available for most of Math, Accounting, Physics and Engineering courses at Germantown campus. They can be borrowed using an MC ID for use in the center only.
- Current booklist available for loan (PDF,
) (Updated 5/26/17)
In addition, there are a variety of supplemental textbooks available for you to use on the back bookshelves.
Montgomery College library also provides textbooks and reference books.
On racks next to the front desk, we have copies of formula sheets and tutorials for algebra, statistics, calculus, accounting, and more that are free to take.
- Mapel Center's Google Drivenew window: The Mapel Center's files containing various handouts and final exam reviews
- Smarthinking: Online 24/7 tutoring for all MC students [MyMC->My Classes->Study Skills and Tutoring->Smarthinking]
- Log in to MyMC
- At MyMC homepage, click on My Classes
- Scroll down to Study Skills and Tutoring
- Under Study Skills and Tutoring heading, click on Smarthinking Online Tutoring
- Follow instructions on the screen to access the tutoring service
- Wolfram Alphanew window: A computational search engine
- Wolfram Alpha Pro for students (PDF,
- Wolfram Alpha Pro for students (PDF,
- Matlabnew window: A numerical computing environment for matrices, graphing, and programming
- Free Matlab license for students (PDF,
- Free Matlab license for students (PDF,
- Lyndanew window: Training videos for computer software and other personal and creative skills.
- Free account using MyMCnew window
- Khan Academynew window: Free video courses for a variety of subjects
- Probability and Statisticsnew window
- Physicsnew window
- Early Math to Differential Equationsnew window
- Desmos Graphing Calculatornew window: An easy-to-use, online 2D graphing calculator for implicit and explicit functions
- Geoalgebranew window: Visual and interactive tools for math, physics, statistics, and other subjects
- Geoalgebra 3D graphernew window
- Number2new window: Free SAT, ACT, and GRE preparation and practice tests
- The TI-83/84 Calculator for Beginners (PDF,
) : A teach-yourself tutorial for the Ti83/84, covering basic functionality, graphing, and matrices
- Finance on the TI83/84 (PDF,
) : Instructions for the Finance solver on the TI83/84
- Accuplacer Test Preparation: Information about the Accuplacer math placement test
- Paul's Online Notesnew window: Comprehensive notes/tutorials for Algebra to Differential Equations
- Algebra [ Notesnew window][ Practice Problemsnew window][ Assignment Problemsnew window]
- Calculus I [ Notesnew window][ Practice Problemsnew window][ Assignment Problemsnew window]
- Calculus II [ Notesnew window][ Practice Problemsnew window][ Assignment Problemsnew window]
- Calculus III Multivariable [ Notesnew window][ Practice Problemsnew window][ Assignment Problemsnew window]
- Differential Equations [ Notesnew window]
- Purplemathnew window: Straightforward lessons and other useful information for elementary math up to precalculus
- Index of lessonsnew window
Cool Mathnew window: Simple and colorful math lessons for pre-algebra to pre-calculus
- Pre-algebranew window
- Algebranew window
- Precalculusnew window
Mathcentrenew window: Hundreds of videos, references, and practice questions on topics from arithmetic to differential equations, including some statistics, physics, and engineering
- Numeracy Review Packet (PDF,
- Algebra Review Packet (PDF,
- Basic Differentiation Review Packet (PDF,
- Calculus Review Packet (PDF,
- OpenIntro Statisticsnew window: Free online statistics course with affordable textbook, including randomization and simulation
- StatKeynew window: Tools for bootstrap intervals and randomization tests
- OnlineStatBooknew window: Free online statistics textbook accompanied by interactive simulations
- Statistical Reasoningnew window: Free online statistics course with emphasis on empirical reasoning
- Against All Oddsnew window: Inside Statistics: Video series on statistics emphasizing real world applications
- Rossman/Chance Applet Collectionnew window: A variety of statistical simulations and examples
- Random.orgnew window: Pure random number generator, with many different customizable options and scenarios
- Random Integer Generatornew window
- Hyperphysicsnew window: A physics quick reference index
- Physics is Phun: Entertaining physics demonstrations for the public at the University of Maryland every semester
- American Institute of CPAs: Accounting classroom materials for AICPA members
- Free student membership new window
- StartHereGoPlaces: Games and information on how to get started in accounting
- This Way To CPAnew window: Accounting career information for college students
- Money Instructornew window: Learn basic accounting and bookkeeping skills
- Maryland Association of CPAsnew window: Information on Maryland's accounting programs
- ESU Financial Accounting: Video playlist on Financial Accounting: Horngren's 4th edition
- International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) (PDF,
) : AICPA's brief overview and background of the IFRS.
- Adjusted Trial Balance (PDF,
) : Supporting schedule which can be used to prepare financial statements.
Contact Us
Meet the staff of the MAPEL Center.
Dr. David Bergtold
Ph.D. Biophysics, University of Colorado
Director of the Science Learning Center and MAPEL Center
Biology, Chemistry, and Math Tutoring
Guiti Aghazadeh
M.S. Chemical Engineering, University of Maryland
Master Tutor, Adjunct Professor
Chemistry, Math, and Physics Tutoring
Komla Tekpor
M.S. Agricultural Sciences, University of Niamey, Niger
M.S. Agricultural Sciences, University of Montpellier, France.
Engineering diploma from the Graduate School of Agricultural studies in Montpellier,
Instructional Associate
Accounting and Math Tutoring